Walkden and Little Hulton's
3rd Annual

Tea With Santa

Welcome to Tea With Santa 2023

Tea With Santa is community event for families to come together and share the excitement of Santa's impending visit. The Big Man himself will be in attendance (along with some of his helpers) and will spend time with all of the children, both with individual families and as a group during a shared meal. Many children participate in Christmas parties, either at school or other organisation, but parents are seldom present to witness the excitement first-hand; this is what makes our event different. Please have a look around the site to find out more, but if you are interested in attending with your family, we recommend booking early as spaces are strictly limited.

Our Event

This year, we have avaliabilty to book on 4 days, the final Saturday (25th) and Sunday (26th) in Novemeber and the first Saturday (2nd) and Sunday (3rd) in December, with each event lasting from 4pm to 5:30pm. Our event Includes: A hot children's meal that you can choose, from 4 options (if your child has special dietary requirements, please contact us), chilren's entertainment, and all children will recive a personalised gift from Santa!

Want to find out more? Check out our page dedicated to the Event, and how it works, here.

About Us

Want to find out more about the Tea with Santa team, how the event came about, and what our goals are? Look no further, find us, here.

What did people say at our previous events?

Attendee A:

Rating: 10/10

What did you think of the meal options?

"Meal was more than adequate for everyone, pleanty of nibbles. Can I also add the staff and service was absolutely brilliant and a lovely atmosphere"

General comments:

"They all seemed to enjoy themselves and everyone had a smile on their faces."

Attendee B:

Rading: 9/10

What did you think of the meal options?

"Very practical - easy to eat and with salad too!"

General Comments:

"Engaging - they both really enjoyed the dancing"